May 19, 2009

My Hobby

I wanted to start this blog with some background. My Grams was a WONDERFUL cook! When I lived next door to her I was the lucky one to always get to taste test her new recipes. It was a lot of fun discussing the recipe's with her and trying new things that I eventually caught the cooking bug and started trying new things of my own and bringing over samples for her and my Gramps to try. Since then I have really decided that cooking, Not baking, cooking, is offically a hobby of mine. I actually have a Hobby!! Grams had a few of her recipe's published in magazines and I just think that is really neat and quite an honor. I hope to one day have one of my recipe's published as well.

Last night as I was again trying something new the light bulb turned on- I told Taylor, my husband, that I am going to combine both of my hobbies, cooking and blogging, and create a blog of all the new things I come up with!

My recipe's all start with ideas that I read about and then I just add a touch of 'Mindi' to them. This blog will be my little cookbook for all my blogger followers. I will include some recipes that I found in other places that are our family favorites and mostly recipes that I have created and/or added my personal touch to. I hope to include photos of all my dishes as well so you can really get a feel for the meal. I hope you find this blog as fun as I do and try some new recipes. As I get older my palate for food is expanding and I encourage everyone to try something new. Life is too short, you should go down knowing you experienced the world!

Enjoy and Bon Appétit!

1 comment:

Tammy Meyers said...

Love this idea Mindi and I cannot wait to try some new recipes!! By the way...Quick and Easy meals are great for me :)